LAB sliderLibrary of American Broadcasting

The Library of American Broadcasting Foundation

The mission of the Library of American Broadcasting is one of preservation and access. We strive to serve as part of a "collective memory" for an industry whose very nature is ephemeral. New technology and new formats replace the old, and with the future constantly becoming the present, there seems little time available to dwell on what is past.

Much of the history of the broadcasting industry has been preserved, but much work remains to be done. The safekeeping of the documentary evidence of the most influential cultural force of the twentieth century is a job worth doing, and the Library of American Broadcasting is dedicated to help in that task.

UMD Libraries

To make a donation to the University of Maryland in support of the Library of American Broadcasting Archives please follow the links below.

Library of American Broadcasting General Fund

Library of American Broadcasting Foundation Special Project Fund

Herb Granath

To support the Library of American Broadcasting Foundation, please contact:

Sally Brown

Development Officer
Library of American Broadcasting Foundation

Board of Directors

Heather Birks
Pierre Bouvard
Marci Burdick
Michael Carter
April Carty-Sipp
Gary Chapman
Chandra Clark
John Dille
Erica Farber

Jack Goodman
Marc Guild
Harry Jessell
David Kennedy
Erwin Krasnow
Dr. Judy Kuriansky
Richard Leibner
James Morley
Ginny Morris

Larry Patrick
Walter Podrazik
Heidi Raphael
Patricia Smullin
Jeff Smulyan
John Taylor
Joyce Tudryn
Dennis Wharton
Ramsey Woodworth