Student Press

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Reveille 1913

This student-produced yearbook includes a description of campus life amidst the immediate aftermath of the fire. In it you will find photographs and a description of the event through the eyes of a student writer. In keeping with the M.A.C. cadets' positive attitude toward reconstruction and revitalization, the editors chose to include many traditional yearbook entries for student profiles, sports, and campus organizations, not allowing the fire tragedy to overwhelm the publication's contents.

Reveille 1920

Due in part to the need to rebuild the College Park campus after the 1912 fire and to the leadership of presidents Harry J. Patterson and Albert F. Woods, the institution enjoyed great successes in the years following the disaster. Women were admitted as students for the first time in 1916 and a dozen or more new structures dotted the campus grounds. The editors of the 1920 Reveille decided to publish a history of the College to mark the institution's progress.

Triangle 1912

This is the first issue of the Triangle student newspaper that covered the fire. Front page center is devoted to the conflagration, but other articles describe routine campus social events before the blaze and attend to business as usual. There is no by-line for the fire article.