Prisoners of War

Prisoners of War (POWs) in Vietnam were a frequent subject for songwriters reflecting on Vietnam throughout the duration of the war. As direct American involvement decreased due to Vietnamization policies there was a dramatic uptick in songs mentioning POWs as many Americans saw these imprisoned service members as likely to be forgotten.

While the majority of songs referencing POWs are released in 1973, there is a resurgence in the mid 1980s into the 1990s during the explosion of media focused on veterans of the war that were seemingly forgotten.

Label of single 'The Prisoner Song' by Lee Adkins
Label of single 'Prisoner of War' by Pat Murphy
Label of single 'Prisoner Set Free' by Billy joe Mack
Label of single 'The P.O.W.' by Joey Rivers
Label of single 'P.O.W.' by Charlie Bee and the Cockleburs
Label of single 'P.O.W.' by The Bitter & The Sweet
Label of single 'P.O.W. Letter' by Russ Jeffers
Label of single 'POWs and the MIAs' by Jeri Suiter
Label of single 'Prisoner of War' by Red River Dave
Label of single 'Prisoner of War' by Jim Roundtree
Label of single 'Prisoner of War (Do You Know My Name)' by Jim Roundtree
Label of single 'Voice of a P.O.W.' by Wally Willette

Songs Mentioning P.O.W.s

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