Meet the Stars

  •   A woman holding a drink, captioned ‘We are headed to Ocean City to party more!’
  •  Two concert-goers, captioned ‘Who are you here to see tonight?’, ‘Your mother!’
  •  A concert-goer with long hair, captioned ‘Heavy metal rules!’
  •  A man holding two tickets, captioned ‘Run back to my car, drink a few beers and puke on some “unsubspecting” victims!’
  •  Three concert-goers with arms around each other, captioned ‘Hey, I got a ticket.’
  •  Three concert-goers posing in front of a car.


    The stars of Heavy Metal Parking Lot are the fans of heavy metal, rather than musicians.

    Instead of focusing on Judas Priest and their music, Krulik and Heyn's film showcases the people who attended the concert. Heavy Metal Parking Lot captures their expressions of enthusiasm, excitement, and anticipation for a raucous night of musical entertainment.

  •  Four concert-goers, captioned ‘Twisted Sister, Judas Priest, Dokken…Ozzie, Scorpions, they all rule!’
  •  A shirtless concert-goer with long curly hair, captioned ‘But everybody else, you’re definitely dynamite. Let’s rock! Okay!! Awright!!!’
  •  Two concert-goers with long hair, captioned ‘Reston, Virginia…Mayberry USA!’
  •  A concert staff in a white baseball cap, captioned ‘I’ve never seen such a thing in all my life until I’ve been working here.’
  •  Four concert-goers in front of a car, captioned ‘I’m David Helvy. I’m twenty years old. I’m ready to rock.’
  •  Two concert-goers, one holding a microphone, captioned ‘You’ll see us. We got a great big banner. It says “Timmy Loved Judas Priest”.’