Faces and Voices
"This is the campus broadcasting system of the near, the very near, future."
- Old Line magazine, January 1943
Miss Midnight
"The femme fatale of the airwaves who nightly bids the campus goodnight."
- The Terrapin, 1962
Between 1958 and 1968, the voice of a mysterious woman capped the day's programs with a late-night sign-off. She was known only as Miss Midnight until the annual yearbook came out and revealed her true identity. Each female WMUC staff member who took on the role wrote her own script.
Former Miss Midnight Sandra Sollod explained, "The idea was to sound as provocative as you could without really saying anything that could get you into trouble." To today's listeners, Miss Midnight's five-minute program likely seems outdated and perhaps even offensive, yet the show was reflective of its era.
Original recordings of WMUC Radio
Cultural Programming
Advertising and Promos
Intercollegiate Broadcasting System