Alice Illustrated Around the World

Алиса у Cвету с Oне Cтране Oгледала.

[Alice in the World Beyond the Mirror].

Translated into Serbian by Ivana Milankov.

Illustrated by Marko Krsmanović.

Belgrade, Yugoslavia: Prosveta, 1979.

Milankov (b. 1952) is a poet and translator of English and American poetry, including writers such as Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath, William Blake, and Allen Ginsberg. The illustrator Marko Krsmanović (b. 1930), a well-known graphic artist and illustrator, was a member of the artists’ group Danas (Today). Many of Krsmanović’s lively illustrations clearly derive from Tenniel, while others display an Eastern European fantasy. His black and white drawings of Alice are simple line drawings of the sort Charles Schulz produced for his “Peanuts” comic strip.

Exhibit item 3.5