Early Books

Alis’in Sergüzeştleri, Acyip Şeyler Memleketinde.

[Alis’s Adventures, in the Land of Strange Things].

Translated into Turkish by Ahmet Cevat.

İstanbul: Muhit Mecmuasi, 1932.

This is the first Turkish edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Only the first seven chapters are included. The illustrations are a mix: some faithful reproductions of the original woodcuts and some rather crudely redrawn and slightly altered Tenniel. There are several typos: for example Carroll’s name is misspelled “Caroll” on the cover, and the first word of the subtitle is incorrect on the title page: it should read Acyip not Aacyip. The book is printed on pulpwood paper.

Exhibit item 2.17