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December- Holiday Cards

Christmas Greetings from Alfred Reginald Allen.


A series of six cards printed for Allen by the Franklin Printing Company, all with illustrations and quotations from either the Alice books (four cards) or The Hunting of the Snark (two). The order in which they were sent is unknown. Only the final card is dated. Allen worked with the New York Metropolitan Opera and elsewhere in the arts, and is particularly known for his Gilbert and Sullivan collection.

Exhibit Item 10.33

Christmas card: Christmas Greetings from a fairy to a child.


Privately printed at The Printery, Kirkwood (Missouri), 1987. Christmas greeting from the proprietor, Kay Kramer. Inside is printed Carroll’s 1867 poem: “Christmas-Greetings (From a Fairy to a Child).”

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Christmas card with 'Christmas' written in large red letters and Alice looking up at it with a handwritten quote beneath.


Christmas card: Alice ponders the word “Christmas.”


The quotation is from Alice’s dialogue with Humpty Dumpty in Through the Looking-Glass. Signed on back by the artist: “Mariana.”

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Memorial Window with a blue background and the Hatter and March Hare holding a book open at the top, and the Duchess and Mock Turtle holding a book open at the bottom.

Christmas card. Details from the Lewis Carroll Memorial Window in All Saints Church, Daresbury, England, the village where Carroll was born.


The window includes a quotation from Carroll’s poem: “Christmas-Greetings (From a Fairy to a Child).”

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Christmas card with a charcoal drawing of the statue

Christmas card: Alice in Wonderland statue, Central Park, New York.

Drawing by Carol Creutzburg, a Pennsylvania artist.


The sculpture was commissioned by philanthropist George Delacorte and constructed in 1959 by José de Creeft. Alice is modeled on Creeft’s daughter, Donna Maria, while the Hatter is a caricature of Delacorte himself. Children are very welcome to climb on the statue.

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