Gertrude Entenmann

Gertrude Entenmann (1908-1998) began her broadcasting career in New York before becoming an advertising copywriter and TV producer in the Washington DC area. Over the years, she worked for such sponsors as Peoples Drug Stores, First Federal Savings and Loan, and Coca-Cola.
In the 1960's, she chaired the Washington DC regional chapter of American Women in Radio and Television (AWRT). From 1962 to 1972, she produced "Search," a religious talk show for WRC-TV.
This gallery presents samples from The Papers of Gertrude Entenmann at the Library of American Broadcasting.
The collection spans the years 1954 to 1980, and contains promotional materials, photographs, advertising copy, and business correspondence. It was donated to the Library in 1999.
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A young Entenmann, c. late 1920's
This undated photograph of Gertrude Entenmann was taken while she was in her 20's, prior to her entry into broadcasting.
Entenmann was born Gertrude Maggioncalda in Vineland, New Jersey in 1908. She graduated from Vineland High School in 1925 and was the valedictorian of her graduating class.
At WBEN-TV, Buffalo, 1948
Gertrude Entenmann, seated, with some of her colleagues at WBEN-TV in Buffalo, New York, 1948.
Entenmann was with WBEN from 1947 to 1953. She produced various programs for the station, including a daily afternoon show hosted by Johnny Colbert, a cooking program, and two amateur talent shows (one for children, and one for adults).
Entenmann also oversaw the production of various commercials for the station, including spots for Kobacker, Queen-O Soft Drinks, and Rich's Ice Cream.
At a WRC-TV promotion, 1965
Gertrude Entenmann, far right, joins in on a St. Patrick's Day promotion staged by WRC-TV, Washington, DC in 1965.
Over the course of her career in Washington Entenmann would work for all four DC-area TV stations, with such talent as "Joy Boys" Ed Walker and Willard Scott, Inga Rundvold, Louie Allen, Jules Huber, and Mack McGarry.
"Remember Mother's Day with a car of her very own," 1955
This 1955 radio ad Gertrude Entenmann wrote for Trew Motors Dodge-Plymouth dealership in Washington D.C. encourages listeners to "think of the convenience for Mother," saying "this year, make Mother's Day a real occasion. Get her a car of her own..."
Entenmann also wrote commercials for Coca-Cola and First Federal Savings and Loan.
Radio ad w/ Inga Rundvold, 1955
Gertrude Entenmann wrote this 1955 TV commercial for Julius Lansberg Furniture located in downtown Washington, DC. The commercial featured local celebrity Inga Rundvold.
American Women in Radio & TV (AWRT) Convention, 1961
Gertrude Entenmann served as president of the Washington, DC regional chapter of American Women in Radio and Television (AWRT) during the 1960's. These invitations urge members to attend the organization's 2nd annual Mid-eastern Area Fall Conference.
AWRT was formed in 1951 when the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) discontinued its women's division, the Association of Women Directors (AWD). The NAB Board voted to approve a new organization, and the following year, over 280 women gathered to approve the structure of what was to become the AWRT.
American Women in Radio & TV (AWRT) Convention, 1961
Gertrude Entenmann served as president of the Washington, DC regional chapter of American Women in Radio and Television (AWRT) during the 1960's.
This is the cover of the program booklet from the 1961 regional convention, held at the Statler Hotel.
Entenmann was actively involved with American Women in Radio and Television (AWRT) from the earliest days of the organization.
This 1955 report Entenmann gave at the 4th annual convention of AWRT provides a detailed account as to the activities of "an organization of women interested in all phases of radio and executives, broadcasters, and/or service personnel."
AWRT was formed in 1951, and continues to be active to the present day, with 30 regional chapters throughout the United States.
[Page 1] [Page 2] [Page 3] [Page 4] [Page 5]Refers to weekly radio program "Search," 1964
This 1964 news clipping from the Washington, DC "Evening Star" lists the various "Churches on the Air," a guide to religious television and radio programming.
Gertrude Entenmann produced the program "Search" (listed at the bottom of the right column) from 1962 to 1972.