MAC to Millennium: The University of Maryland A to Z
MAC to Millennium brings together traditions, answers to frequently asked questions, and many other fun and unusual tales about our campus from its founding in 1856 as the Maryland Agricultural College (MAC) to the twenty-first century.
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More than ninety years ago, as part of Alumni Day, campus officials held an ivy-planting ceremony on the shady hill near Morrill Hall during which class traditions were formally transferred from the graduating seniors to the juniors. Many of the traditions that existed in 1920s — freshman-sophomore tug-of-war, May Day, all-class proms, rat caps — have disappeared, but newer ones, such as rubbing Testudo's nose for good luck and firing off a cannon every time the football team scores, have taken their place.
We hope you enjoy this compilation and that you rub Testudo's nose every chance you get!